Timo Jacobs is out of the office.

Gerard gerard at seibercom.net
Sat Jul 19 18:10:05 IST 2008

On Sat, 19 Jul 2008 18:09:07 +0200
Timo.Jacobs at partners.de wrote:

> I will be out of the office starting  09.07.2008 and will not return
> until 25.07.2008.
> I will respond to your message when I return.
> In urgent cases please contact Mr. Timo A. Schmidt
> (timo.schmidt at partners.de)
> Partners Software GmbH / Zum Alten Speicher 11 / 28759 Bremen /
> Eingetragen unter HRB Bremen 14440 / Gesch_ftsf_hrer: Wolfgang
> Brinker und Kai Hannemann / Telefon 0049 (0)421 66945-0
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> solution is in use and will browse through incoming emails.

Holy crap, another user who is clueless about how to configure a
'vacation' responder. Added to the fact that he has chosen to include a
legally unenforceable disclaimer, that might very well be the longest
of any I have had the misfortune of viewing, and now my day is complete.

While awaiting his joyous return, might I suggest that we all send
<timo.schmidt at partners.de>, the designated emergency contact, a warm

gerard at seibercom.net

You could get a new lease on life -- if only you
didn't need the first and last month in advance.
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