Watch it: Multiple DNS implementationsvulnerableto
Anthony Cartmell
ajcartmell at
Sat Jul 12 06:40:29 IST 2008
> Another good example of why Fedora is not the best choice for a server
> if it
> is going to be expected to operate more than 18 months
...unless you're happy to upgrade on a roughly annual basis to benefit
from more up-to-date stable versions of the main packages, such as perl,
apache, MySQL, PHP, etc.
(see problems installing recent MainScanner versions on machines with old
perl installations earlier)
We've been here before - Fedora is an excellent server OS for people like
me, running web servers requiring up-to-date packages. It may not be if
your situation means upgrading OS versions is expensive and you have no
need for recent software packages installed automatically.
-- - Quality web sites
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