filename checks = wrong filename report

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Jul 9 23:02:41 IST 2008

on 7-9-2008 2:43 AM Sylvain Phaneuf spake the following:
>>>> On 09/07/2008 at 10:26, shuttlebox <shuttlebox at> wrote:
>> The filename in the report is the sanitized version. I've had the same
>> problem explaining to users that the original filename was longer than
>> 150 characters when the reported one is clearly shorter. I just added
>> a few explaining words to the reports to solve the problem.
> I would rather have a report that is not using a "sanitized version" if it were possible. 
> I would prefer not saying to the user: trust us, we know this attachment is not good for you, even if the filename appears OK. 
> And in the case I am reporting, the filename is less than 150 characters long anyway...
> Sylvain
But if the un-sanitized name has some buffer overflow or other attack in it, 
you have a possible problem for the user. That is one reason why filenames are 

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