Feature request: logical AND in rulesets

James Gray james at gray.net.au
Wed Jul 9 10:11:49 IST 2008

On 08/07/2008, at 6:26 PM, Gareth wrote:

> My setup:
> I have MailScanner running on a machine and fetchmail pulls mail down
> from a pop3 server and delivers it to postfix and then MailScanner  
> picks
> it up and processes it.
> I have fetchmail deliver the mail to the servers real IP address and  
> not
> the loopback address.
> So I can create a ruleset to bypass scannig for mail from  
> and
> this enables me to release mesages from quarantine and stops logwatch
> reports from being detected as spam or viruses. The problem however is
> that if people use webmail it bypasses all checks since webmail calls
> sendmail directly and cannot be configured to send to the real IP
> address.
> What would be perfect would be if I could do something like :-
> From: AND root at myserver.mydomain.com    no

Erm, it's already there....here's a snippet from my WORKING rules:

From:  AND  From: root at myserver.mydomain no



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