Somtimes Spam-Mail are not recognized

Volker Dose vpdose at
Wed Jul 2 09:17:03 IST 2008


I run a linux mail-relay with Mailscanner 4.46.2-2 and use mailwatch-1.0.4
as Gui for maintenance. The server is al linux sles9 with postfix and I
habe installed spamassassin 3.1.0

The systems runs very well and most of the spam mail is tagged.

But today I realized, that somtime spammails get through. When I have a look
in mailwatch, I see, that the mail is not tagged and in the section "Spam
Report" the "Score" is "rebuilding".

In the mail-log I can see, that MailScanner tagged the mail because of one
RBL-check, but Spamassassion seems to sleep or?

YOu can check your system,if you open the mailwatch-gui, check in "Reports"
for "Spam Report contains 'rebuilding'". On my system, there are several
mails every day, and it happens always at about 14:00. Yesterday from 14:15
until 14.16, the day before from 14:08 until 14:09 and so on.

Has anybody any idea, why SA does not work?
With kind regards,

Volker Dose

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