Trend Micro Sues Barracuda Over Open Source Anti-Virus

Scott Silva ssilva at
Tue Jan 29 19:54:21 GMT 2008

on 1/29/2008 11:38 AM Chris Yuzik spake the following:
> Nigel Kendrick wrote:
>> "Anti-virus firm Trend Micro is suing Barracuda Networks over their 
>> use of
>> the open source anti-virus product ClamAV. The issue is Trend Micro's 
>> patent
>> on 'anti-virus detection on an SMTP or FTP gateway'. Companies like 
>> Symantec
>> and McAfee are already paying licensing fees to Trend Micro."
> Ya gotta love software patents. Nothing like giving a patent out for 
> something that is plainly obvious to anyone "in the know."
> Chris
> ---
> Why do people put in their $0.02, but it only costs a penny for your 
> thoughts?
A penny for the thoughts, and a penny for the bull$h1t!

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you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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