OT: Corporate antivirus

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Wed Jan 23 19:04:38 GMT 2008

on 1/23/2008 8:28 AM Gareth spake the following:
> We have been using Trend for the last few years but the latest version
> we upgraded to a year ago has really gone downhill. We had to upgrade
> the XP machines from 256MB to 512MB just so that the machine did not
> take over 5 minutes to boot (no exaggeration).
> What do you recommend as a good corporate antivirus and preferebly anti
> spyware product as we are seriously considering switching?
> Thanks
> Gareth
256 megs and XP takes time to boot even without a virus scanner, but we are 
using McAfee corporate 8.5 and it seems to be fairly unobtrusive.
But 256 meg machines are just slow with XP. 384 megs is enough to see a 

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