[OT] my server is blacklisted

Andrea Bazzanini andreab at guttadauro.com
Wed Jan 23 16:41:39 GMT 2008

Hello guys...

i find some errors in my postfix log, some errors report this message.

(host mail1.zonnet.nl[] refused to talk to me: 551-
83-103-29-7.ip.fastwebnet.it is blacklisted by domains.rbl.zonnet.net
551- Reason supplied: 551- ip.fastwebnet.it is residential, use your
ISP's SMTP server. hostmaster at versatel.nl 551 Closing connection.)

Ok, i'm not a residential user... Do you know how i can remove my ip
from this blacklist (and other too) ?

Thanks a lot for your help


NB: Sorry about my english

Il messaggio e' stato analizzato alla ricerca di virus o
contenuti pericolosi, ed e' risultato non infetto.

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