Notifying blocked passworded attachments problem

Howard Robinson Howard at
Thu Jan 17 12:17:26 GMT 2008


We use MailScanner on our mail gateway and all 'none GroupWise' mail goes via it.
Email coming from my hotmail account with a password protected file has the attachment blocked as set. On GroupWise I get an email telling me this. So far this is good

If I add  rule to notify my Hotmail account (for testing) the attachment is blocked, my GroupWise account still gets a message saying it is blocked AND I get an email on my hotmail account telling me it has been block. Again good so far. It's doing exactly what it says in the Mailscanner documentation (I have the book)

HOWEVER If I want to do this in reverse ie From my GroupWise account via mailscanner to my hotmail account, the email is blocked, I get a message saying so on Hotmail BUT I don't get an email sent back to my GroupWise account. Just to clarify MailScanner isn't sending one - well it's not showing it is on MailWatch

I have checked the rules (several times!) for typos etc and the addresses are in the right format etc etc.
As it is actually checking the attachment I am assuming that is a notification problem.
Is there another setting that would overrule this for emails coming from an internal system? 

I have a feeling there is but  the 'little grey cells' are not releasing the information at the moment.


Howard Robinson
Harper Adams University College


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