filename rules for docx with multiple xml.rel files

Brendan Pirie bpirie at
Tue Jan 15 17:23:27 GMT 2008

I've been getting numerous complaints about blocked Word (docx) files 
lately.  The cause appears to be that the included filename rule "allow 
\.xml\.rel$ - -" doesn't account for multiple xml.rel files.  e.g.:

Quarantine: /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20080111/m0C3woql005602
     Report: Attempt to hide real filename extension (document.xml1.rel)
     Report: Attempt to hide real filename extension (document.xml2.rel)

I've added a new rule:  allow	\.xml[0-9]\.rel$	-	-
to the filename.rules.conf file, but I don't know enough about the new 
docx format to create a file that contains multiple xml.rel files to 
test with.  Has anyone else run into this, or come up with a more 
elegant solution?



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