small bug in 4.66.5 - log entries missing

Greg Matthews gmatt at
Thu Feb 28 17:46:46 GMT 2008

Scott Silva wrote:
> on 2/26/2008 1:32 PM Julian Field spake the following:
>> Does this only happen with the ClamAVModule scanner?
> I just had some time to look at my systems and I am not seeing this.
> Back in December I saw the report change from
> Dec 30 05:38:03 mail MailScanner[28877]: ClamAV Module::INFECTED:: 
> Email.Hdr.San
> esecurity.07091600:: ./lBUDb5e1031892/
> to
> Feb 26 15:30:02 mail MailScanner[17626]: ClamAVModule::INFECTED:: 
> Email.Spam.Gen
> 2443.Sanesecurity.08020714:: ./m1QNTefQ019501/

hmmm... wierd, so it works ok for you - what version of MS? can you send 
me the for comparison?

> Just the space between ClamAV and Module.
> Maybe there was some change in the perl logging module?

my virus.scanners.conf has:

clamav          /usr/lib/MailScanner/clamav-wrapper     /usr/local
clamd           /bin/false                              /usr/local
clamavmodule    /bin/false                              /tmp

which seems ok to me, clam is installed under /usr/local. The hosts are 
bog standard CentOS 4.6.



Greg Matthews           01491 692445
Head of UNIX/Linux, iTSS Wallingford

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