Problem with the version 4.46.2

Scott Silva ssilva at
Thu Feb 21 23:24:16 GMT 2008

on 2/21/2008 2:58 PM James Gray spake the following:
> On 22/02/2008, at 8:35 AM, Julian Field wrote:
>> Anthony Cartmell wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately the Debian maintainers have the view that MailScanner is
>>>> "unstable" as I produce releases too frequently for them.
>>> That reminds me of a long discussion we had, a few months ago, about 
>>> frequently-released operating systems and whether their release 
>>> schedule made them "unstable"...
>>> FWIW (not much) I love MailScanner's release schedule :)
>> Thank you :-)
>> Would you really prefer to have to wait a year before feature requests 
>> were implemented, just to keep some "distorted" Debian admins  happy?
> I don't have any "pure" Debian systems running but I have a number of 
> Ubuntu server installs I can play with.  Most are running Ubuntu 6.06LTS 
> (aka. "Dapper").  I'd be willing to investigate the whole packaging so 
> that it plays nice with Debian/Ubuntu's little quirks.
> Just a few questions:
> - Did you want to bundle SpamAssassin and ClamAV too?
> - Do we need to use your Perl modules or can we use the distribution ones?
> - I was thinking maybe making separate packages for all of this (MS, SA, 
> Clam and Perl mods), then putting it all up in a single repo - what do 
> other people think?
> No time frames/promises...I've got to sit down and figure out the best 
> way to achieve this without borking the base packages etc.  This is just 
> something that's bugged me for ages and after reading this thread, it's 
> piqued my interest (again!).
> Cheers,
> James
The repo thing has been tried for CentOS, and it borked some things. But then 
again, it depended on another "third party" repo, so it might work if you had 
everything in one repo.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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