possible corrupt sanesecurity defs

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Thu Feb 21 18:07:48 GMT 2008

on 2/21/2008 3:22 AM Andy Wright spake the following:
> Scott Silva wrote:
>> I would just be happy if I could set Mailwatch to not protect me from 
>> myself and allow me to release virus content. I think I saw a patch 
>> somewhere, but I sure can't find it.
> Scott, if you're still looking for a way to do this you can edit line 
> 326 of details.php in your mailwatch html directory - find the line;
> if($item['dangerous'] !== "Y") {
> and change the "Y" to something else - I altered mine to "r", then 
> you'll be able to release all items nomatter how they're flagged.
> Andy.
Thank you! I knew I saw it somewhere.

Now to get the multi-release patches working in 1.0.4.
I'll probably get it just in time for 2.0 to come out.
MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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