HTML/Newsletters being received as unreadable code
Ugo Bellavance
ugob at
Wed Feb 20 22:02:23 GMT 2008
Julian Field wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Julian Field wrote:
>> * PGP Signed: 02/20/08 at 16:03:23
>> Mark Sapiro wrote:
>>> Steve Freegard wrote:
>>>> Andrew Chester wrote:
>>>>> X-Ukuvuma Solutions-MailScanner-From: support at
>>>> ^^^
>>>> There's your problem - you have spaces in your %org-name% setting in
>>>> MailScanner.conf.
>>> While the space in %org-name% is wrong, it does not seem to be the
>>> cause of the problem.
>>> Here's what I see in the last few headers and body:
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>> content-transfer-encoding: base64
>>> content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>>> X-Ukuvuma Solutions-MailScanner-From: support at
>>> X-Spam-Status: No
>>> X-Ukuvuma Solutions-MailScanner-From: support at
>>> X-Spam-Status: No
>>> WW91ciBLYWxhaGFyaS5uZXQgcGFzc3dvcmQgaXMgODAwNjAwCi0tIApUaGlz
>>> IG1lc3NhZ2UgaGFzIGJlZW4gc2Nhbm5lZCBmb3IgdmlydXNlcyBhbmQKZGFu
>>> Z2Vyb3VzIGNvbnRlbnQgYnkgdGhlIFVrdXZ1bWEgQXBvbGxvIGdhdGV3YXkg
>>> YW5kIGlzCmJlbGlldmVkIHRvIGJlIGNsZWFuLgoK
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> The two sets of MailScanner headers are curious, but it looks from the
>>> Received: headers that the message passed twice through
>>> so it was probably scanned twice.
>>> The real problem is the empty lines preceeding each set of MailScanner
>>> headers. This causes the MailScanner headers to be part of the body
>>> which totally destroys the base64 encoding and results in the garbled
>>> message.
>>> I suspect that all base64 encoded messages get garbled this way and
>>> non-bas64 encoded messages show the MailScanner headers in the body.
>>> Perhaps someone with more MailScanner experience has a clue as to why
>>> the MailScanner headers are preceded by an empty line.
>> It's probably the MTA (or MailScanner) attempting to render the
>> message in a form correct for the next mail handling program it passes
>> through. There should always be a blank line after the last header.
>> But I don't guarantee what MailScanner will do if the headers end on
>> an incomplete line, as it never happens in real mail that hasn't been
>> screwed by something (in your case, the space in %org-name%).
>> The point about spaces in %org-name% is very clearly documented in the
>> MailScanner.conf file.
>> If you break that rule I make no guarantees what may happen to your mail.
>> I will add some more code to check for that and flag it very boldly in
>> the logs, and ensure that MailScanner --debug and MailScanner --lint
>> check for it too.
> When you run MailScanner --lint, a polite warning is already shown,
> which I reckon is sufficient for that case. But when you run MailScanner
> - --debug, there was no obvious warning
Maybe you should run a --lint as part (before) the --debug to avoid
having to sync the 2 code parts.
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