"Is Definitely Spam" rule not working ?

Julian Field MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Feb 8 16:54:29 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Glenn Steen wrote:
> On 05/02/2008, Julian Field <MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Glenn Steen wrote:
>>> On 05/02/2008, Pascal Maes <pascal.maes at elec.ucl.ac.be> wrote:
>>>> Le 05-févr.-08 à 12:31, Glenn Steen a écrit :
>>>>> On 05/02/2008, Pascal Maes <pascal.maes at elec.ucl.ac.be> wrote:
>>>>>> Le 05-févr.-08 à 09:45, Glenn Steen a écrit :
>>>>>>> On 05/02/2008, Glenn Steen <glenn.steen at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 05/02/2008, Pascal Maes <pascal.maes at elec.ucl.ac.be> wrote:
>>>>>>> (snip)
>>>>>>>>> Then Postfix puts the message in the HOLD queue where MailScanner
>>>>>>>>> takes it and puts it back into the Postfix queue.
>>>>>>>>> I'm pretty sure that MailScanner should see the IP
>>>>>>>>> address otherwise why is the "Is Definitely Not Spam" rule
>>>>>>>>> working :
>>>>>>>>> Feb  5 09:21:07 smtp-1 MailScanner[14880]: Message
>>>>>>>>> E8686E9102.A7655
>>>>>>>>> from (users-return-66855-pascal.maes=elec.ucl.ac.be at spamassassin.apache.org
>>>>>>>>> ) is whitelisted
>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> Anything happening to the message _after_ MailScaner doesn't hjave
>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>> impact on your problem... What happens before though... You have to
>>>>>>>> make sure that your SA trust_path is OK, and all should be well.
>>>>>>>> Why
>>>>>>>> do you use the ClamSMTP thing at all?
>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Oh, sorry, not an sa issue... Still, yhe last client to handle
>>>>>>> this is
>>>>>>> the clamsmtp thing, which might just be the problem.
>>>>>>> Again, why do you use that? Theoretically MailScanner (through the
>>>>>>> batching, and using either clamavmodule or clamd) should be more
>>>>>>> efficient and less likely to be able to be DoS'd... That
>>>>>>> "not-really-part-of-SMTP-flow insulation" is ... golden.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> -- Glenn
>>>>>>> email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
>>>>>>> work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se
>>>>>> One advantage of using ClamSMTP is the reject of the worm at the
>>>>>> connection time.
>>>>>> As we receive a lot of mail per day, it's not negligible.
>>>>> No, but then neither is the resource drain;-).
>>>>>> As MailScanner is using McAffe, we have two different AV to check the
>>>>>> messages.
>>>>> Prudent, but did you look at processing times etc for the "all MS"
>>>>> case?
>>>>> Sure, the real killer is likely SA, and the ClamSMTP thing will
>>>>> avoid that...
>>>>> I wonder if the clamav milter would be a "nicer" solution, avoiding
>>>>> your current problem...
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> --
>>>>> -- Glenn
>>>>> email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
>>>>> work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se
>>>>> --
>>>> OK, I have included some MailScanner::Log::InfoLog in Config.pm to see
>>>> what happens.
>>>> All the clientip are :-(
>>>> Whitelisting is working because the check is done on the From address
>>>> and not on the client IP.
>>>> The blacklisting, in that case doesn't work because it's an IP address.
>>>> So, we can't use before-filter with Postifx and MailScanner and hope
>>>> that the white or black listing will work with IP addresses even we
>>>> use the smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts.
>>>> Is that right ?
>>> Yes, AFAICS. Unless we ask Jules nicely to facilitate "disregarding"
>>> loopback when determining the ip... Perhaps a bit like SA does it
>>> (with the trust thing).
>> I can't do that. MailScanner directly reads the IP address of the TCP/IP
>> connection source, it doesn't involve looking at the headers of the
>> message at all.
>>>> If yes, what's the use of smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts (to be
>>>> posted on the postfix list also) ?
>>> Good question. Perhaps one (Jules) could use that...:).
>>> BTW, wear your asbetos underwear when telling the pf-list your
>>> problem... they seriously dislike MS... still...:(.
>> Don't expect to get anything useful from the Postfix list about MailScanner.
>> Jules
> Um, Jules... What about the clientip read from Received line in
> Postfix.pm (ReadQf, the third loop... If I counted things right...:-)?
> Isn't that what you use, and where one could possibly ... munge it? A
> bit like the BarricadeMX fixup, to get at the real sending server IP?
Are you talking about this bit of code?
If it's then I could choose to ignore it and pick up the next 
one. What's the IPv6 equivalent address that I'll see in the header?

      if (!$IPFound && $recdata =~ /^Received: 
.+\[(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\]/i) {
        $message->{clientip} = $1;
        $IPFound = 1;
      } elsif (!$IPFound && $recdata =~ /^Received: 
.+\[([\dabcdef.:]+)\]/i) {
        # It is an IPv6 address
        $message->{clientip} = $1;
        $IPFound = 1;
      } elsif (!$IPFound &&
               $recdata =~ /^Received: .+\(Postfix/i) {
        $message->{clientip} = '';  #spoof local sender from 
        $IPFound = 1;


- -- 
Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
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