Sanesecurity signatures are no longer being updated or distributed

shuttlebox shuttlebox at
Wed Dec 17 10:02:34 GMT 2008

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Brent Clark <brentgclarklist at> wrote:
> I dont think you can block by per ip as it would mean no one would get a
> chance and would lead to a level of unfairness.

>From Steve's perspective that ip is still a problem no matter how many
who is behind it. They should cache their requests.

> Maybe look at this as a positive and understand that your project is great,
> indemand and successful therefore you should look to improve services and
> meet up with demand for coming year.
> Therefore why not look to increase the specs of the machine, setup mirrors,
> use torrents etc ... basically look at ways of distributing / load
> balancing.

People need to learn how to set up things in a reasonable way. Clam
had to move to a DNS based update mechanism because people would
hammer their mirrors every minute for updates.

It's a shame that progress has to come from stupidity. :-)


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