Handling mobile users

Gareth list-mailscanner at linguaphone.com
Thu Dec 11 11:23:18 GMT 2008

I have postfix configured to listen on port 587 aswell. All email to
this port has to be authenticated and for these mails mailscanner is
bypassed altogether. Any viruses will still be caught by the actual mail
server as virus scanning is running on it aswell.

On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 09:39, Nigel Kendrick wrote:
> Hi,
> Any hints on handling mobile users where the sending domains keep
> hopping on and off RBLs? I have asked this before but not really found
> a satisfactory solution - for example, whitelisting our domain opens
> up the spam floodgate. The ideal situation would be to skip RBL checks
> on emails from authenticated users, but either I am not doing it right
> or I am missing the trick. It was suggested that whitelisting
> would help but this does not seem to be the case. Our
> mobiles are on UK Vodafone but, for example, one of the Directors is
> currently roaming in Italy.
> I was looking at creating up a ruleset for the "Spam List = " to set
> it to "" for emails from our domain (not ideal, but better than
> nothing), but I cannot work out how to do this for selected domains.
> All hints and pointers appreciated.
> Thanks
> Nigel Kendrick
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