WARNINGS Ignoring deprecated option freebsd

Martin Hepworth maxsec at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 09:57:04 GMT 2008

2008/12/10 Martin Hepworth <maxsec at gmail.com>:
> 2008/12/9 Hiram Gibbard <gibbard at chem.fsu.edu>:
>> Martin Hepworth wrote:
>>> 2008/12/9 Hiram Gibbard <gibbard at chem.fsu.edu>:
>>>> CPU speed -> Dual 2.5 XEONs
>>>> Memory -> 8GB
>>>> Operating System -> FreeBSD 7.0
>>>> pkg_info REPORTS:
>>>> MailScanner-4.67.6_3
>>>> clamav-0.94.2
>>>> postfix-2.4.7,1
>>>> I installed from ports, which is what the mailscanner.info site
>>>> recommends.
>>>> Of course its not the latest version of mailscanner. Should I use the
>>>> download able tar version instead? I didn't have this problem using
>>>> Mailscanner 4.61.7 and clamav 94.1.
>>>> CURRENT mailscanner.conf settings
>>>> #
>>>> # Incoming Work Dir Settings
>>>> # --------------------------
>>>> #
>>>> # You should not normally need to touch these settings at all,
>>>> # unless you are using ClamAV and need to be able to use the
>>>> # external archive unpackers instead of ClamAV's built-in ones.
>>>> # If you want to create the temporary working files so they are owned
>>>> # by a user other than the "Run As User" setting at the top of this file,
>>>> # you can change that here.
>>>> #
>>>> # Note: If the "Run As User" is not "root" you cannot change the
>>>> #       user but may still be able to change the group, if the
>>>> #       "Run As User" is a member of both of the groups "Run As Group"
>>>> #       and "Incoming Work Group"
>>>> # Note: If the "Run As User" is "root" (or not set at all) and you are
>>>> #       using the "clamd" virus scanner AND clamd is not running as root,
>>>> #       then this must be set to the group clamd is using (from your
>>>> #       clamd.conf), example:
>>>> #       Incoming Work Group = clamav
>>>> #       Incoming Work Permissions = 0640
>>>> Incoming Work User = root
>>>> Incoming Work Group = root
>>>> I tried this with group mail too.
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --unzip
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --jar
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --tar
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --tgz
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --deb
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --unrar
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --arj
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --lha
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --unzoo
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --max-ratio
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:02 mail MailScanner[730]: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated
>>>> option
>>>> --unrar
>>>> Dec  9 11:48:03 mail MailScanner[754]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner
>>>> version 4.67.6 starting...
>>>> I realize this was a topic before, but I have one question. Even though
>>>> Mailscanner.info states to install by ports, should I still still get the
>>>> latest version from the site and install that one instead?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> --
>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>> Hiram Gibbard
>>>> Florida State University
>>>> Computer Support
>>>> Department of Chemistry
>>>> Phone: 850.644.3004
>>>>  Fax: 850.644.8281
>>>>  URL: http://www.chem.fsu.edu/~gibbard
>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>> --
>>>> This message has been scanned for viruses and
>>>> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
>>>> believed to be clean.
>>>> --
>>>> MailScanner mailing list
>>>> mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info
>>>> http://lists.mailscanner.info/mailman/listinfo/mailscanner
>>>> Before posting, read http://wiki.mailscanner.info/posting
>>>> Support MailScanner development - buy the book off the website!
>>> This is because you need the latest mailscanner version to be
>>> compatible with clamav 0.94. So yes the tar.gz will be needed as the
>>> port maintainer hasn't the time to upgrade the port at the moment (I
>>> asked him off list a couple of weeks ago).
>>> I'm doing the move from ports to tar.gz version at the moment. If I
>>> come across anything unusual when I do the final move tomorrow AM
>>> (gmt) i'll let you know.
>> sorry to be naive, but I can't seem to figure out where the rc.Mailscanner
>> file resides, or can be obtained. Can you point me in the right direction?
>> This doesn't seem to be updated info:
>> 6. Download /opt/MailScanner/bin/rc.MailScanner
>>   Fetch the file from
>> http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner/files/4/freebsd/rc.MailScanner
>>   chmod a=rx /opt/MailScanner/bin/rc.MailScanner
>>  I got this out of INSTALL.FreeBSD
>> --
>> --------------------------------------------
>> Hiram Gibbard
>> Florida State University
>> Computer Support
>> Department of Chemistry
>> Phone: 850.644.3004
>>  Fax: 850.644.8281
>>  URL: http://www.chem.fsu.edu/~gibbard
>> --------------------------------------------
> Not sure which instructions you're following but I concure that this
> file no longer exists. I've just copied the ports one and modified it
> to point at the new locations.
> --
> Martin Hepworth
> Oxford, UK

Everything running OK now , only fly in the ointment was for some
reason the install.sh didn't install OLE::Storage_Lite so I CPAN-ed
that and everything is find now, I'll raise a separate query about

Martin Hepworth
Oxford, UK

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