MailScanner Gold Production yum repository released

Stephen Swaney steve at
Wed Dec 3 14:48:52 GMT 2008

nikolaos pavlidis wrote:
> Hello Julian,
> Will the rpms contain a trained out-of-the-box baysian database or are
> we going to have to train it ourselves? I hope that either way the
> updates will not effect an already trained db.
> Regards,
> Nik

The initial MailScanner Gold rpm installation installs a Bayes Postgres 
Database. Bayes autolearn is configured as ON so it should learn from 
your site's spam.

This will be changed soon to provide and install a "starter" Bayes database.

If you already have a Bayes installation using local files or a MySQL 
database , you can manually import that data into the Postgres Database 
if you like

Best regards,


Steve Swaney
Fort Systems Ltd.
steve at

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