quiet here

Rob Sterenborg R.Sterenborg at netsourcing.nl
Fri Aug 8 07:17:20 IST 2008

>> Up until now I had never even heard of 7zip.  I just tested F-Prot
>> and ClamAV against an archive with a virus in it.  Neither detected
>> the virus inside.  So, isn't it just a matter of time before viruses
>> start spreading in this format?   If so I think you're going to be
>> compelled to support the scanning of this format.

> But if no-one has the software for reading this format already, they
> aren't any harm. 

Several Windows (and quite often we try to protect the users of this OS
;-)) compression programs can read the 7-Zip format, see
em_support and

7-Zip has been around for some time now (2000 or 2001). Perhaps it's
going to be used more often now but I haven't seen much of it so far.
(That doesn't mean I'm against MS supporting this format.)


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