'Debug SpamAssassin'? RE: Mailscanner no work at Fedora 8

kyrian (List) kyrian-list at ore.org
Mon Apr 21 14:51:48 IST 2008

> I installed the new version 4.68.8-1 at Fedora 8.  I try this setup on tree
> server and MailScanner not working correctly.
If nothing else, make sure you have 'Debug SpamAssassin' disabled, regardless of whether you have 'Debug' enabled.

I hit this bug on FC8 at the weekend and Julian's already put a fix for it in the next version...

You'll probably find that upgrade_MailScanner_conf has set it to 'yes' overriding your previous setting and this has triggered it.

Or maybe you have a different bug, or maybe not...


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