commit ineffective with AutoCommit enabled...
Bertrand Poulet
bertrand.poulet at
Fri Apr 18 15:53:04 IST 2008
/>>/ having error message on starting MailScanner (4.68.8-1) with MailWatch:
/>>/ # /etc/init.d/MailScanner restart
/>>/ Shutting down MailScanner daemons:
/>>/ MailScanner: commit ineffective with AutoCommit enabled
/>>/ at
/>>/ /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/ line 93,
/>>/ <CLIENT> line 1.
/>>/ i've read about same problem on mailing list :
/>>/ (disabling autocommit)
/>>/ (automatic syntax check = no )
/>>/ and tried to disabled autocommit.
/>>/ [root at host1 <> ~]# mysql mailscanner -u user -p
/>>/ mysql> select @@autocommit ;
/>>/ @@autocommit -> 1
/>>/ so i changed in /etc/my.cnf
/>>/ [mysqld]
/>>/ init_connect='SET autocommit=0'
/>>/ and then
/>>/ mysql> select @@autocommit ;
/>>/ @@autocommit -> 0
/>>/ but still got the error message 'commit ineffective with AutoCommit
/>>/ enabled...'
/>>/ maybe, because of "the statements specified for the init_connect
/>>/ option are not executed for users
/>>/ that have the SUPER privilege"
/>>/ any idea to solve this issue ?
/>>/ maybe something like giving 'Autocommit' value when connecting to DB
/>>/ in and
/>>/ then leave 'automatic syntax check = yes' ?
/>>/ Regards,
/>>/ Gwo.
/>/ Its a just awarning, don't worry about it...unless of course you've
/>/ got too much time on your hands ;-)
/Any ideas of something I could do in MailScanner to stop MailWatch
generating this error? If it's an easy thing to stop, I'm quite prepared
to add it, as it would stop a significant number of support requests.
More likely, in mailwatch, setting Autocommit value ?
The |connect()| method can take a hash of options.
Often-used options include: |AutoCommit|, which when true or false will
automatically or not commit database transactions; ||
my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:mysql:<database name>:<server>',
AutoCommit => 0
) ;
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