OT: Ideas as to best way to do this

Peter Farrow peter at farrows.org
Thu Apr 17 23:36:52 IST 2008

Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Peter Farrow wrote:
> | Message labs have a similar problem, but I am quite happy to whitelist
> | them for now as they are not a source of spam...
> Hate to prove you wrong. But I have multiple cases of spam send through
> messagelabs. So I surely will not whitelist them.
> Hugo
> - --
> hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org               http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/
> PGP/GPG? Use: http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/0x58F19981.asc
>     A: Yes.
>     >Q: Are you sure?
>     >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>     >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> Bored? Click on http://spamornot.org/ and rate those images.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFIB60zBvzDRVjxmYERAs31AJ4lomxAP+RSo7luPptjSLxy6nBU7QCdGqqn
> sit0Gg0HTVMSgToKsmI0t6k=
> =uLWB
Coming through and "source of spam" are different.

Google make a lot of money by selling services to people who make a 
living from spamming, thats different entirely to "letting it through".
Google is a big *source* of spam, so I force them to greylist anyway.  
Message labs do not send spam, however some spam merely gets through 
their systems,  I whitelist their servers on the greylist engine, but 
they are still subject to all further anti spam checks.

Google is a source of spam, and an organisation that profits from spam, 
and Messagelabs are effectively an anti spam business, BIG BIG 

No allowances for google sourced email should ever be made in a spam 
system...until they clean up their act.

Unfortunately while still trying to grow their internet mail business to 
compete with the likes of hotmail, having spammers use their system 
pushes up their email stats, you can just hear in the management 
meetings "hey we process 20 million emails a day now" - sounds great but 
they forgot to mention 99% of it was spam.

When hotmail was a young email business it too went through the "bucket 
loads of spam" phase and google mail services are in the same early 
stages and have the same early problems.

Just a month or so ago on this list a top 100 spam companies was 
published and guess what Google featured very prominently in that list.

Considering outsourcing email services to Google is really like selling 
your soul to the devil I'm afraid, it may be great first off but you 
will surely rot in hell for eternity when judgement day comes...



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