OT: Ideas as to best way to do this

Julian Field MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Apr 17 21:50:13 IST 2008

Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> * PGP Signed by an unverified key: 04/17/08 at 21:06:25
> Koopmann, Jan-Peter wrote:
> |> How do they do it then?
> |
> | http://www.snertsoft.com/smtp/smtpf/smtpf-cf.html#smtpf_grey_list
> |
> | By taking the PTR record and removing the first label. So greylisting
> | considers mail1.google.com the same server as mail2.google.com.
> That means you must inderstand when to use 2 and when to use 3 levels to
> ~ learn the proper domain name.
Which is what my country.domains.conf file helps with.
Works most of the time. I have to solve exactly the same problem in the 
phishing net code.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
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