MailScanner folder

Ghetti, Ron Ron.Ghetti at
Sat Apr 12 18:24:24 IST 2008

Thanks for the quick reply Peter.
Thats what I'm talking about, I had a feeling someone
could help me. 
you hit the nail on the head.  Much thanks!!
my knowledge of dpkg is minimal,
I've been using apt-get for the standard stuff included with this distro.
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From: mailscanner-bounces at on behalf of shuttlebox
Sent: Sat 4/12/2008 1:00 PM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Re: MailScanner folder

On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 6:45 PM, Ghetti, Ron
<Ron.Ghetti at> wrote:
>  ok, this is from the install script:
>  <quote>
>  echo I will install MailScanner under /opt, from where you can
>  echo move it if you want.
>  </quote>
>  I guess what I'm confused about is why there is a MailScanner folder
>  under the /etc folder.  perhaps this is from the distribution ?
>  can I remove this extraeneous folder ?
>  will it break things ?

You probably have the old MS package Ubuntu distributes. Try:

# dpkg -l mailscanner

If you get a match try this to show the files in the package:

# dpkg -L mailscanner

If you installed a current version of MS yourself you should
definitely remove the old one to avoid confusion and other problems.

# dpkg -r mailscanner

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