MailScanner folder

Ghetti, Ron Ron.Ghetti at
Sat Apr 12 17:45:42 IST 2008

ok, this is from the install script:
echo I will install MailScanner under /opt, from where you can
echo move it if you want.
I guess what I'm confused about is why there is a MailScanner folder 
under the /etc folder.  perhaps this is from the distribution ?
can I remove this extraeneous folder ?  
will it break things ?
on another note, 
so whats up with cafe press not taking paypal ?
is that something new or just a vendor specific thing, I thought I'd used paypal 
with them in the past...


From: mailscanner-bounces at on behalf of Ghetti, Ron
Sent: Sat 4/12/2008 12:07 PM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: MailScanner folder

ok latest version of MailScanner installed from the website on ubuntu(debian)
it's the strangest thing.
 if I type MailScanner --lint  I get "mailscanner is not installed"
 if I look here in /opt/MailScanner  I see that it is installed with it's own etc folder.
 if I look in /etc/MailScanner I see what looks like a second installation
 can someone give me a clue how to tell which one is the right one ?


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