MailScanner 4.67.6 Attachment Issue

Julian Field MailScanner at
Thu Apr 10 22:06:23 IST 2008

Eduardo Casarero wrote:
> I've upgraded 10 servers to this MS version, and in 1 server i had
> this issue. I imported a MailScanner.conf form another box with the
> same SO and MS Ver and the diff between MailScanner.conf shows this.
> 107c107
> < Max Children = 12
> ---
>> Max Children = 7
That's quite a difference. Make sure the one set to 12 isn't running out 
of RAM.
> 175c175
> < Restart Every = 7200
> ---
>> Restart Every = 14400
> 762c762
> < ClamAV Full Message Scan = no
> ---
>> ClamAV Full Message Scan = yes
What virus scanners are you using? If you're not using ClamAV then this 
should be set to no.

> 1288c1288
> < Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = yes
> ---
>> Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = no
> 1387c1387
> < Notify Senders = no
> ---
>> Notify Senders = yes
> 1510c1510
> < Size Subject Text = [*Size*]
> ---
>> Size Subject Text = {Size}
> 1784c1784
> < Max Spam Check Size = 150000
> ---
>> Max Spam Check Size = 250000
> 2358c2358
> < SpamAssassin Local State Dir = # /var/lib
> ---
>> SpamAssassin Local State Dir = # /var/lib/spamassassin
> 2481c2481
> < Debug SpamAssassin = yes
> ---
>> Debug SpamAssassin = no
This should never be "yes" when in normal production mode. Only ever set 
it from the command-line when you're debugging something.
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 1:05 AM, Devon Harding <devonharding at> wrote:
>>> i too was very surprised but that is what happened. first time i've had
>>> any issue with the upgrade and I've been using it for years. just bad
>>> look i guess.
>>  Same thing here.  I've tried 4.68 with no success.  Still 100% MailScanner:
>> extracting attachments
>> What else can I do?
>> -Devon
> I've upgraded 10 servers to this MS version, and in 1 server i had
> this issue. I imported a MailScanner.conf form another box with the
> same SO and MS Ver and the diff between MailScanner.conf shows this.
> Could any of this options generate this behaviour?
> '>' shows the conf that is really working.
> 107c107
> < Max Children = 12
> ---
>> Max Children = 7
> 175c175
> < Restart Every = 7200
> ---
>> Restart Every = 14400
> 762c762
> < ClamAV Full Message Scan = no
> ---
>> ClamAV Full Message Scan = yes
> 1288c1288
> < Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = yes
> ---
>> Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = no
> 1387c1387
> < Notify Senders = no
> ---
>> Notify Senders = yes
> 1510c1510
> < Size Subject Text = [*Size*]
> ---
>> Size Subject Text = {Size}
> 1784c1784
> < Max Spam Check Size = 150000
> ---
>> Max Spam Check Size = 250000
> 2358c2358
> < SpamAssassin Local State Dir = # /var/lib
> ---
>> SpamAssassin Local State Dir = # /var/lib/spamassassin
> 2481c2481
> < Debug SpamAssassin = yes
> ---
>> Debug SpamAssassin = no
>> --
>>  MailScanner mailing list
>>  mailscanner at
>>  Before posting, read
>>  Support MailScanner development - buy the book off the website!


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Buy the MailScanner book at

MailScanner customisation, or any advanced system administration help?
Contact me at Jules at Jules.FM

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