how to fix Blacklist

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Apr 9 23:03:37 IST 2008

on 4-8-2008 11:28 PM Koopmann, Jan-Peter spake the following:
>> If you run a mail server you should be reading your postmaster mail
>> everyday. If you do not want to, then you should outsource your email
>> to
>> someone who will.
> Well spoken but far from reality. Most people don't and it really is not
> necessary that much. If our system blocks you it will tell you why and
> how to contact us via phone, chat, web whatever you like. In the real

I get that everyday. My users couldn't/won't/are too stupid to read a bounce 
message and always assume it is our end.

But then I still get a wrong number on the phone and instantly get the same 
caller because he hit the redial button (he/she just assumes that the phone or 
phone company dialed the number wrong).

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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