misuse MailScanner

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 18:35:38 IST 2008

On 09/04/2008, Greg Borders <gborders at balanceconsult.com> wrote:
>  Michael Weis wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>  we are planing to create an email-account to which
>  only mails with attachments will be send.
>  I have the job to extract this attachments from
>  the mail and handle them
>  (save, print, archive)
>  So far so good, but I have no idea
>  how to get the attachments to a disk.
>  I know mailscanner does this while scanning
>  for viruses (right?).
>  So how can I tell mailscanner to just save
>  attachments from a certain user's emails ?
>  (no problem if they were scanned before)
>  I searched the mailing-list-archive
>  but it seemed that nobody has to do this
>  before.
>  Greetings and thanks in advance
>  Michael
>  I have used a combination of a procmail recipe and the oh so sweet tool
> ripmime (http://www.pldaniels.com/ripmime/) to auto extract
> attachments from mail in a sendmail environment. (should work with other
> MTAs.) With a simple bash script triggered by the procmail recipe, you can
> easily 'rip out' attachments and do what ever to it (save, print, archive)
> within the script, with no need to monkey around with your mailscanner setup
> whatsoever.
>  Hope this helps!
>  Greg.
Ah, thanks Greg.... I had a faint recollection that there had been a
thread like this before, and that someone (you, likely) suggested a
more ... modern tool:-).

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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