misuse MailScanner

Greg Borders gborders at balanceconsult.com
Wed Apr 9 17:16:55 IST 2008

Michael Weis wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> we are planing to create an email-account to which
> only mails with attachments will be send.
> I have the job to extract this attachments from
> the mail and handle them
> (save, print, archive)
> So far so good, but I have no idea
> how to get the attachments to a disk.
> I know mailscanner does this while scanning
> for viruses (right?).
> So how can I tell mailscanner to just save
> attachments from a certain user's emails ?
> (no problem if they were scanned before)
> I searched the mailing-list-archive
> but it seemed that nobody has to do this
> before.
> Greetings and thanks in advance
> Michael
I have used a combination of a procmail recipe and the oh so sweet tool 
*ripmime* (http://www.pldaniels.com/ripmime/) to auto extract 
attachments from mail in a sendmail environment. (should work with other 
MTAs.) With a simple bash script triggered by the procmail recipe, you 
can easily 'rip out' attachments and do what ever to it (save, print, 
archive) within the script, with no need to monkey around with your 
mailscanner setup whatsoever.

Hope this helps!


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