SA/MS Installer dependencies

Alex Broens ms-list at
Tue Apr 8 14:34:12 IST 2008

On 4/8/2008 2:51 PM, Julian Field wrote:

Alex Broens wrote:
 >> Jules,
 >> - Seems SA dependencies are added by the MS installer.
 >> why?
 >> This breaks possible SA updates and forces the admin into setup 
methods which *could* cause isssues in the future
 >> The one more noticeably missing are
 >> REQUIRED module missing: HTML::Parser
 >This is in both packages, as both of them need it.
 > optional module missing: LWP::UserAgent (for sa-update)
 > optional module missing: HTTP::Date (for sa-update)
 > I came across this when I wanted to update an older MailScanner box 
with  the latest SA/Clam installer.
 >> Could you please keep SA's dependencies in SA's installer and not in 

 >What are you saying do you think is wrong? HTML::Parser is the only 
 >important one here, and is in both the MailScanner and ClamAV+SA 
 >distributions as both of them need it.

I see them there... but as said. The installer borked with that msg.

Thanks for (hopefully) adding the others  required by sa-update:

NOTE: the optional LWP::UserAgent module is not installed.
NOTE: the optional HTTP::Date module is not installed.

  The "sa-update" script requires this module to make HTTP
   If-Modified-Since GET requests.

optional module missing: HTTP::Date


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