release mail from quarantine AND modify message-id

Steve Freegard steve.freegard at
Sat Sep 29 13:56:25 IST 2007

Hi Wolf,

Wolf wrote:
> Hello.
> My setup has a postfix with mailscanner working okay. My problem
> arises when I release mail from the quarantine (Quarantine Whole
> Messages As Queue Files = yes) with the bash-scipt (
> provided by wiki) that more or less just copies the queue-file into
> postfix incoming-queue works like it should. Postfix relays the mail
> to the final-mailserver. This final-destination-mailserver is a
> postfix with cyrus which is just dropping the released mail as it has
> the same message-id as the previous original disinfected mail that
> came first.
>  When I first change the message-id by one character and then release
> it, cyrus provides the mail.
> So how can I modify the message id? I tried to extend the message-id
> by 4 characters with a sed-script before releasing it but the
> queue-file gets corrupted then.

Try something like this:

postcat <message-file> | grep -Evi '^Message-ID:' | sendmail -oi <recipient>

Untested - but it should work.


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