release mail from quarantine AND modify message-id

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Sat Sep 29 11:49:17 IST 2007

On 28/09/2007, Wolf <wolf at> wrote:
> Hello.
> My setup has a postfix with mailscanner working okay. My problem
> arises when I release mail from the quarantine (Quarantine Whole
> Messages As Queue Files = yes) with the bash-scipt (
> provided by wiki) that more or less just copies the queue-file into
> postfix incoming-queue works like it should. Postfix relays the mail
> to the final-mailserver. This final-destination-mailserver is a
> postfix with cyrus which is just dropping the released mail as it has
> the same message-id as the previous original disinfected mail that
> came first.
>  When I first change the message-id by one character and then release
> it, cyrus provides the mail.
> So how can I modify the message id? I tried to extend the message-id
> by 4 characters with a sed-script before releasing it but the
> queue-file gets corrupted then.

"Not easily" is one answer:-)
If you had MailWatch and used the "old-style" method of delivering the
released mail as an attachment, you wouldn't have this problem
(M-Sexchange does pretty much the same thing as Cyrus... You might
find advice about it in the list archives...)... This implies having
the Quarantine As Queue Files setting at "no", and working with the
RFC822 message text file... You kind of need MailWatch, to keep track
of the _envelope_ sender/recipient with that set to "no"...

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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