GPL v3

Kevin Miller Kevin_Miller at
Thu Sep 27 17:19:11 IST 2007

Richard Frovarp wrote:
> Doesn't MailScanner already fall under GPL v3, if I so choose? I don't
> know what the consequences would be if you forced everyone to use GPL
> v3 instead of just providing the option to use it.

No, because you don't own it - Jules does.  As the owner he alone can
determine how he wants to license it.  As far as I know, it's just under
the GPL 2 license.  If you wrote some extensions to it, you could
license them under GPL 3, but I don't think that would affect the entire

Kevin Miller                Registered Linux User No: 307357
CBJ MIS Dept.               Network Systems Admin., Mail Admin.
155 South Seward Street     ph: (907) 586-0242
Juneau, Alaska 99801        fax: (907 586-4500

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