GPL v3
Richard Frovarp
Richard.Frovarp at
Thu Sep 27 16:25:12 IST 2007
Scott B. Anderson wrote:
> I'm not sure A) how the FSF/GNU would view MailScanner with the plugins, and SpamAssassin, and ClamAV, after all they are more or less separate installations via cpan or your rpm (the use of which might cause more headaches) installs.
> Is anyone here enough of a legal expert to determine what the effect on MailScanner might be if SpamAssassin or ClamAV went to GPL v3 ? I just checked clamav 0.91.1 and it uses GPL v2. SpamAssassin uses the Apache license v2.0.
> Scott Anderson
SpamAssassin won't be going to GPL. They'll stick with the ASF license
so long as they are an ASF project. The ASF license is not compatible
with GPL.
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