Including popip.db into whitelist

Scott Silva ssilva at
Tue Sep 25 17:43:45 IST 2007

on 9/25/2007 6:52 AM Kit Wong spake the following:
> Hi All
> I have searched everywhere on the internet for an answer and have
> decided to email those who know.
> I have mailscanner/spamassassin running + MailWatch. I have noticed the
> a lot of my client's emails are getting scanner  and some are marked as
> spam. Since the server uses pop-before-smtp a list of valid ip address
> are stored within popip.db
> Is there a way of dynamically querying popip.db to not scan emails from
> those ips. I have already whitelisted/bypassed as described on
> a post somewhere.
> Adding domain names which are hosted on the server will not work due to
> spoof emails.
> Hope someone can help
> Kit
Are they getting marked as spam because they are on dynamic ip's or are they 
getting marked as spam because they look spammy?
One is easy to fix, but the other will start getting your server on blacklists.


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