One user whitelisted, everyone gets the spam...

Derek Buttineau derek at
Mon Sep 24 15:08:07 IST 2007

On 2007-Sep-24, at 9:32 AM, DAve wrote:

> We were faced with exactly the same situation as you and solved the  
> problem by splitting each multi-recipient message prior to the  
> inqueue.
> Check the wiki for instructions on how to do that.

Speaking of splitting out recipients.  Julian, would it be possible  
to get the attached patch incorporated into a future release of  
MailScanner?  It's just a small adjustment to how the SA Caching is  
working, to allow for multiple recipients with different spam  
thresholds.   We ran into this ages ago when we started splitting out  
recipients, and people complaining that spam was getting through even  
though it was over their threshold.

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Derek Buttineau
Internet Systems Developer
Compu-SOLVE Internet Services
Compu-SOLVE Technologies, Inc

Phone:  705-725-1212 x255
E-Mail:  derek at

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