mailscanner restarts when using spamassassin

Steve Freegard steve.freegard at
Mon Sep 24 09:18:27 IST 2007

Blaze King wrote:
> An update:
> Sendmail is working fine now.  (I had something wrong in the mc file). 
>   Now I’ve re-installed the tarball for ClamAV and SA and Mailscanner, 
> doesn’t seem to make any difference.  I also used my old 
> MailScanner.conf from my old server (ver. 4.58).  Nothing changes the 
> results I was finding below.  Spam Checks work, but SpamAssassin isn’t.  
> Also, forgot to mention previously, this is on CentOS 5.

Run the following:

service MailScanner stop
service MailScanner startin
MailScanner --debug

When the above command exits it should say 'Stopping now as you are 
debugging me....', if it doesn't then the last line will usually tell 
you the problem.

> On top of that my MailWatch install has a feature I forgot how to 
> enable:  Viewing the message body.

Remembered to disable SELinux?  Set the permissions correctly on your 
quarantine directory and sub-directories etc.  It's all in the INSTALL docs.


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