ANNOUNCE: mailwatch2rbl

Scott Silva ssilva at
Sat Sep 22 00:05:29 IST 2007

Gareth spake the following on 9/21/2007 12:24 PM:
> I have been chatting with Alistair Carmichael about a quick script he wrote
> to extract a list of IP addresses out of the mailwatch database which have
> only sent a number of spam emails and then automatically block them.
> I have now created something which seems to be fully functional at least for
> me. Alistair had a problem where php did not like the database library I am
> using but I have never seen this before and have used it on various boxes
> with a very large range of php versions.
> You can read basically how it works and download the current release from
> The block table it generates is easy to use in Postfix and it can also
> generate a file compatible with rbldnsd. I am not sure what exim and
> sendmail can work with nativly but if someone would like to give me an
> example I will enable it to generate compatible files for them aswell.
Sendmail access file is in the following format;

ip address [tab] RFC message
The hard part is expiring entries, not adding them. You can always cat them to 
the end of the file, but you need some magic to find an entry and remove it 
when the time limit is up.

Here are a few generated by Vispan from my system;	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed

How about adding it to iptables?


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