Debug on a production server

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Wed Oct 17 22:11:34 IST 2007

On 17/10/2007, Scott Silva <ssilva at> wrote:
> on 10/17/2007 2:17 AM Julian Field spake the following:
> > I'll leave all the old stuff up there for as long as you need it, don't
> > worry.
> > Many thanks for your help,
> >
> I DL'd a copy so I can look through it on my lappy. A lot of it is very old
> (anybody need to run MailScanner on RedHat 9?).
Oh no... Haven't you been reading the list Scott? There actually are
people still doing that...:-).
When I get another day of the week (8 day weeks ... sounds ...
tempting, provided it is one more weekend day...:-) I'll be able to
offer to help.
When last I looked at the faq-o-matic things, there simply was a huge
part that was more or less dated, and a lot that I couldn't say for
sure was... useless historical rubbish. And then there was a few pages
that seemed worthwhile. Most of those _should_ be in the wiki already,
but perhaps in a slightly different guise... So do search the wiki
before expending to much effort on any given topic/page.
Anyway, it's about time someone does this hard work, so a big THANK
YOU pal for starting it.

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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