Running as a Milter?

Gerard gerard at
Thu Oct 11 23:53:29 IST 2007

On October 11, 2007 at 12:59PM Scott Silva wrote:


> Mailscanner works much better the way it is designed. There are many ways to 
> stop content at the early phases. You can use blacklists at the MTA. You can 
> use milters, (clam has a milter, and so does DCC, and there are all sorts of 
> milters for spamassassin or url scans).

The clam milter does not work as described with Postfix as it does with
Sendmail. At least it did not in the past. I am unaware of it being updated to
work in a similar fashion on Postfix. I once contacted the author; however, he
indicated that he did not have the time to essentially write a different
version that would work identically with Postfix.

Just thought you might like to know.


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