"starter bayes" database

René Berber r.berber at computer.org
Mon Oct 8 00:51:31 IST 2007

Jan Agermose wrote:

> Im trying to setup mailscanner and spamassassin for the first time. Im
> looking for a good guide. I tried the MailScanner book and the install
> pages – this does of cause install MailScanner and SpamAssassin and I
> can start the services and so on, but it does not really work J So im
> looking for a –complete- guide. One that would tell me to add lines to
> /etc/mail/access and mailertable, allow non-localhost access and so on.
> 1) Does such an “complete” tutorial exist somewhere? I cannot be an in
> depth description, I know, but the basics?

Don't know, usually you go piece by piece, i.e. sendmail, sendmail milters,
MailScanner, SA, SA plugins...

> Anyway – now I have something running that will accept emails and
> deliver non-spam mails. Even with MailWatch J But what about this bayes
> thing. Ive set it to autolearn but it looks like its not actually using
> the bayes database (im not using mysql for the bayes database) and it
> looks like this has to do with the bayes database not really having
> being trained yet – to little information in the database.
> 2) is it possible to download and install a “base bayes database”? The
> result of training the database from some sort of standard accepted
> training set of spam/ham mail?

Yes and IIRC MailScanner's web pages used to point you to one, but I can't find
the page now... anyway it pointed to http://www.fsl.com/resources.html which
provide starter DBs and also the excellent rules_du_jour package.
René Berber

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