MailScanner Broke on both Fedora Core 6 & 7

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at
Fri Oct 5 13:24:31 IST 2007

On Fri, 5 Oct 2007, Julian Field wrote:

> Anthony Cartmell wrote:
>>> The was as shipped with FC7, except for changing the
>>> Daemon Options to stop it only listening on localhost.
>> So the fix was probably upgrading the sendmail rpms then, rather than
>> fixing the .cf files?
> No, upgrading the RPM alone did not fix it, I had to rebuild the cf file
> too. I don't profess to understand why :-)

Can't tell for sure but it might be an issue with files be shifted around 
or anything. In my sendmail days I had a seperate directory with my file (actually it use to be a <YYYYMMDD>.mc file) so I could 
keep track of my changes. I had quite a few tricks in there to hold of 
spammers and it was one of the reasons I was slow in picking up postfix.

Just copy the file to a new date, add a function or remove it and compile 
it. Then move the <YYYYMMDD>.cf file in place and give sendmail a nudge to 
read the new config file. This 1 change, 1 version strategy is great for 

In those days I could do quite some tricks in sendmail for which I did not 
see an equivelent in postfix.

These days I can do quite a few tricks in postfix and it would take me 
some time to work out their equivelants in sendmail.

If you know your MTA you can do a lot to stop SPAM from even entering your 

Header checks are expensive in postfix but not as much having to run the 
whole message through MailScanner, spamassassin, ....

So I would advise anyone to become really good with customizing your MTA. 
MailScanner is a great tool. But any SPAM I can stop from completing it's 
SMTP connection saves me bandwidth and other resources.

Can we add that slogan to the website?
 	Treasure your MTA. It's MailScanners best friend.

Right. Where were?


 	hvdkooij at
 	    This message is using 100% recycled electrons.

 	Some men see computers as they are and say "Windows"
 	I use computers with Linux and say "Why Windows?"
 	(Thanks JFK, for this quote of George Bernard Shaw.)

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