OT: Load Balancing & redundancy using Multiple A records

Steve Campbell campbell at cnpapers.com
Mon Nov 26 20:28:44 GMT 2007

Steve Freegard wrote:
> It works, but don't expect it to load balance well.  For that you 
> really do need a proper load-balancer that can examine metrics of each 
> of the back-end systems and direct connections to them accordingly.
And could you please expand on what might be a good load-balancer? 
There's a lot of ideas about what is a good solution for load-balancing, 
failover, and all the other mechanisms needed. (This is OT, isn't it?). 
I have used UltraMonkey quite a while back, before it was really 
ARP-repaired. I am now thinking of returning to it, but it's difficult 
to find other solutions.

Any pointers here would really help, Steve

> Kind regards,
> Steve.
> -- 
> Steve Freegard
> Fort Systems Ltd.
> Tel: +1 202 595 7760 x801

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