Solaris syslog -- was Re: No Logging to Syslog: MailScanner 4.65.3-1 on Solaris 9

René Berber r.berber at
Sat Nov 17 21:37:44 GMT 2007

Julian Field wrote:

> Is it true that on all Solaris systems this needs to be "native"?
> If so, I'll make the code do that by default on all Solaris systems.
> If it's not true, I'll make it an optional configuration option.

It works (tested) on Solaris 8, 9, and 10.

The only thing that changes for me (between using the current MS default
and this) is the format of the log entries; with "native" the log
messages are in the same format as used by everything else (sendmail,
imapd, etc.) -- that's the reason I always change and
René Berber

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