AW: SpamAssassin Rule Actions

Mark Getz markgetz at
Mon Nov 12 17:57:10 GMT 2007

> Hi Mark,
> yes you are missing something, you probably did not read the instructions for
SpamAssassin Rule Actions 
> # Preceding the action name with "not-" as in "not-deliver" or "not-forward
> # user <at>" will cause the action to be removed from the list of
> # actions that would normally be taken on this message.
> So your rule should be:
> SpamAssassin Rule Actions = SpamScore>25=>not-forward spam <at> localhost
> There is no need to put "delete" in here, because this action is already set
in High Scoring Spam Actions.
> Regards,
> Roland
Thanks for your reply,  I change my SpamAssassin Rule Action as
suggested, now it delivers the message to the spam user twice.:(:(


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