Postfix vs MailScanner : Slow Incoming Queue

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Fri Nov 9 08:58:46 GMT 2007

On 09/11/2007, R Wahyudi <rwahyudi at> wrote:
>  Upgrading postfix & mailscanner does not fix my issue.
>  I've spent hours trying to find the cause of this delay  issue and I found
> that
>  qmgr in /etc/postfix/  is set to wakeup every 300 second !!
>  I've set my qmgr to wakeup every 2 second, and it fix the problem.
>  Maybe this is temporary fix, and not the correct way of fixing this issue,
> but it works,
>  and so far, I am very happy with the result.
>  The average message in incoming  and active queue has now come down to 0 !!
>  Do you guys experience similar issue ?
>  Does mailscanner designed to wait for qmgr to wake up ?
>  On average, how much delay do you guys get ?
>  Regards,
>  Rianto Wahyudi
Ah. Great that you found it (all MTA, and OT, but still.... One could
well think the ones over at the PF list would've been able to see
this:-):-)... Anyway... I do think that evere other second is a bit
often, you could try every 10 or 15 seconds or similar... Would mean
approximately 25 deliveries in every chunk. But if the system doesn't
suffer too much from the queue scans... well, every other second it

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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