Feature request: spam / bayesian score in subject

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org
Thu Nov 8 17:51:09 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Julian Field wrote:
> John Wilcock wrote:
>>> I would like to do something like: Spam Subject Text = [SPAM
>>> Add it would result in something like:
>>> Subject: [SPAM 99/3.50] AW: Co-operation
>>> Which would allow me, or other users, to know immediatly I do not
>>> have to feed this one to my bayesian filter because it has hit
>>> the maximum score.
>> You can already put the SpamAssassin score in the subject, using
>> the _SCORE_ placeholder:
>> Spam Subject Text = {Spam?} {Score=_SCORE_}
>> AFAIK you can't add just the bayes score. In any case, learning
>> BAYES_99 messages won't do any harm and can but reinforce the
>> "spamminess" of the tokens concerned.
> Please RTM first :-)
> I quote from the MailScanner.conf documentation for the "Spam Subject
> Text" setting:

I found them in the new config file (.rpmnew). But because the script
threaten that I loose my remarks in the config and I want to know which
settings are deviating from the defaults I update the config by hand. I
mark the original lines with #H# so I can find exactly which settings
are not default and how I did change them over time.

So perhaps I need to ask for a completely different feature. The ability
to keep comments in the config file by a upgrade so I do not have to do
this by hand.

For example if any line staring with #H# (Hugo) or perhaps #J# (Jules)
or #M# (MailScanner) is just preceding a config line it should be kept.


- --
hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org               http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/
PGP/GPG? Use: http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/0x58F19981.asc

	A: Yes.
	>Q: Are you sure?
	>>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
	>>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Bored? Click on http://spamornot.org/ and rate those images.

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