Feature request: spam / bayesian score in subject
John Wilcock
john at tradoc.fr
Thu Nov 8 09:41:13 GMT 2007
> I would like to do something like:
> Spam Subject Text = [SPAM $BAYES/$SCORE]
> Add it would result in something like:
> Subject: [SPAM 99/3.50] AW: Co-operation
> Which would allow me, or other users, to know immediatly I do not have
> to feed this one to my bayesian filter because it has hit the maximum score.
You can already put the SpamAssassin score in the subject, using the
_SCORE_ placeholder:
Spam Subject Text = {Spam?} {Score=_SCORE_}
AFAIK you can't add just the bayes score. In any case, learning BAYES_99
messages won't do any harm and can but reinforce the "spamminess" of the
tokens concerned.
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