Your recommendation please: big volume mail solution

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Nov 7 18:21:39 GMT 2007

on 11/7/2007 9:36 AM Ken A spake the following:
> Scott Silva wrote:
>> on 11/6/2007 4:55 PM Steve Swaney spake the following:
>>> I happen to agree with you and we do provide services to legit 
>>> mailers - once we make sure they are legit :)
>>> Steve
>> <rant>
>> Being on the receiving end, I believe the only legit mailers are 
>> opt-in lists.
>> And my blacklist is growing full with opt-out mailers. ;-)
>> </rant>
>> ....... Trips and falls from soapbox....
> I agree completely, but he did say it was legal in Israel to use opt-out 
> mail lists, didn't he, or did I hear that wrong? I suppose the whole 
> country has opted in if that's true. :-(
> Ken
It is "legal" in the US also, but that doesn't make it right.
It is also legal for me to block it any way I see fit.
Freedom of speech doesn't negate my freedom of not having to deal with begging 
to be removed from something I didn't want in the first place. Just because 
some marketer is too cheap or too illegitimate to direct mail his crap, or buy 
30 seconds on the local television channel.

Why not have a web site where you could enter your e-mail address and click 
the box that states;
"Please pass my address on to everybody with a computer and an internet 
connection so they can send me all their junk. I love getting three thousand 
e-mails telling me how small my manhood is or how some sweet lawyer in Nigeria 
wants to give me millions if I will just share a small part of it with him."
That would be enough to qualify as opt-in. There is no such site because only 
a small percentage of the population would do it. And those people are 
obviously in need of a good mental health provider.

As a matter of fact, I would probably subscribe an address on that 
site...straight to my spamtrap!
Talk about one-stop shopping!

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You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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